persistent_login 2.0.0

New features

persistent_login 7.x-1.0

7.x-1.0-rc1 has been available for over a year and a half with few new issues reported, so it is now also being tagged as 7.x-10.

Known Issues:
- OpenID logins don't provide the information required for Persistent Login to set tokens for the user (#1395996)
- Unable to access restricted pages when other requests happen on login page (#1955996)
- If a user opens several pages of a website simultaneously, the first request will invalidate the token and may cause the subsequent requests to trigger the security alert (#327263).

persistent_login 8.x-1.0-alpha2

Bug fixes
New features

New Features since 8.x-1.0-alpha1:
- Added hook_requirements() check for session cookie lifetime configuration.
- Added configuration for persistent login cookie lifetime.
- Added configuration for maximum persistent login tokens per user.

persistent_login 6.x-1.4

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since Persistent Login 6.x-1.4-beta6

Release notes:

  • Please, read the UPGRADING section in the README.txt.


  • #442782 Limit the number of PL records in the database per user.
  • Optimize regex turning off capturing backreferences.
  • Added note about max remembered persistent logins. Also, reformatted README.
  • Added @file comments.
  • Added CHANGELOG.txt.
  • #489180 Provide "remember me" checkbox on registration form (when users are able to login immediately).


  • #448852 Remember me button displays next to User Login link.
  • Remove httponly argument, which is new to PHP 5.2.0.
  • Fix typo in SQL query, using %s where it should be %d.
  • #456452 Take care of language negotiation when checking path during hook_boot().

persistent_login 6.x-1.4-beta6

Bug fixes

- Set PL cookie with the same options as the session cookie.
- #445804: Logins not peristing anymore after upgrade to beta5.
- The name of the PL cookie has been changed, so users will be logged out the first time they close the browser. After that, PL will start to recognize the "Remember me" option again.

persistent_login 6.x-1.4-beta5

New features
Bug fixes

- #127359: Persistent Login across multisite on subdomains.
- #339789: Fix translatable texts in schema.
- #413114: conflict with watchdog.
- #375164 by xibun: German translation.
- #375766 by xibun: Spanish translation.
- #377038 by xibun: French translation.
- #339798 by Kuling: Polish translation.
- #323780: Fix login form alter for compatibility with other modules such as Login Toboggan.
- Added access callback to check permission to erase user's Persistent Login records.
- Fix remaining port to D6 issues in hook_help().

persistent_login 5.x-1.4-beta4

Bug fixes

Changes since 5.x-1.4-beta2:

#327279: Fix redirects to urlencoded paths on PL login.
#278269. fix fatal error for
#246079 omit closing php tags

Note added by markus_petrux:
- Development of the D5 package is discontinued now, except for critical bug fixes.

persistent_login 6.x-1.4-beta4

Bug fixes


#327279: Fix redirects to urlencoded paths on PL login.
#326279 by sun: Code clean-up.
#254506 by markus_petrux, rightchoice2c_me: Fix menu items for D6.
#278269 by sual11: Include includes/ for drupal_goto()
#246079: Remove closing ?> tags.

persistent_login 5.x-1.4-beta3

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-5--1-4-beta2:

persistent_login 5.x-1.4-beta2

Bug fixes

The only user-visible change in this version is that when a user clicks 'logout' their PL cookie is deleted.

persistent_login 6.x-1.4-beta2

Bug fixes

The only user-visible change in this version is that when a user clicks 'logout' their PL cookie is deleted.

persistent_login 5.x-1.4-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

- Reorganize the Persistent Login database schema and queries to be much more efficient.
- Move hook_schema to .install from .schema; remove .schema.
- Make the "Welcome back, username" message optional.
- Don't redirect to paths with %252F in them on login.

persistent_login 6.x-1.4-beta1

New features
Bug fixes

- Reorganize the Persistent Login database schema and queries to be much more efficient.
- Move hook_schema to .install from .schema; remove .schema.
- Make the "Welcome back, username" message optional.
- Don't redirect to paths with %252F in them on login.

persistent_login 6.x-1.3

First version of Persistent Login for Drupal 6. Functionally identical to Persistent Login DRUPAL-5--1-3.

persistent_login 5.x-1.3

Bug fixes

This release contains minor bugfixes/improvements:

  • Un-break multi-line strings into a single string to make localization possible.
  • Wipe all of a user's active sessions if a stolen PL cookie is detected.
  • Use drupal_get_token() instead of a custom method to generate random tokens.

persistent_login 4.7.x-1.1

Persistent Login 1.1 release, fixes several reported bugs, none security-related.

persistent_login 5.x-1.1

Persistent Login 1.1 release, fixes several reported bugs, none security-related.

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