Some information about Media Mover step objects

$step->cid: string, identifier of the configuration this step is involved with
$step->sid: string, identifier of this step, set when the step is created, is not unique as a step can be shared by multiple configurations
$step->step_map_id: integer, unique id for this specific step 
$step->settings: array of configuration values which come from the configuration form. These are a $key => $value pair only.
$step->build['description']: string, defined in hook_media_mover()
$step->build['configuration']: string, defined in hook_media_mover()
$step->build['callback']: string, defined in hook_media_mover()
$step->build['action_id']: string, defined in hook_media_mover() as the unique ID
$step->build['module']: string, what module does this step exist in, populated by Media Mover
$step->build['sid']: string, unique identifier of this step, duplicated here for easy of db queries
$step->step_order: what is the position of this step in relation to the rest of the steps in this configuration/file?
$step->status: string, status of this step- running, ready, deleted
$step->start_time: integer, when did this step start running?
$step->stop_time: integer. when did this step stop running?