I have am trying to create a flash page for my anonymous users, I am using flash node along with swftools. However when I create the flash file in flash node, the video loads but the video does not show just a blank white box where the video is suppose to show. Below is the code I copied from the body of the page.


You are missing some Flash content that should appear here! Perhaps your browser cannot display it, or maybe it did not initialise correctly.


Abeaudrian’s picture

Title: Flash file is loading but not visible. » Flash file is loading but not visible. - code now attached

           <!-- node --> 
<div id="node-42" class="node odd full-node node-type-flashnode"> 
  <div class="meta"> 
  <div class="content"> 
    <div class="swftools-wrapper swftools-swf"><div class="swftools"> 
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="1111" height="413" id="swf12826547061"> 
<param name="movie" value="sites/default/files/flash/slideshow2.swf" /> 
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> 
<param name="wmode"             value="opaque" /> 
<param name="bgcolor"           value="#FFFFFF" /> 
<param name="scale"             value="showall" /> 
<param name="quality"           value="autohigh" /> 
<param name="align"             value="l" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen"   value="true" /> 
<param name="base"              value="/" /> 
<param name="play"              value="true" /> 
<param name="menu"              value="false" /> 
<param name="loop"              value="true" /> 
<param name="flashvars"  value="lt%3Bbr_%2F=&amp;gt%3B%0D%0A=&amp;lt%3Bp=&amp;gt%3B%0D%0A%09=&amp;lt%3Binput_id=&amp;quot%3BgwProxy=&amp;quot%3B_type=&amp;quot%3Bhidden=&amp;quot%3B_%2F=&amp;gt%3B=&amp;lt%3B%21--Session_data--=&amp;quot%3BjsProxy=&amp;lt%3B%2Fp=&amp;width=1111&amp;height=413" /> 
<!--[if gte IE 7]>--> 
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="sites/default/files/flash/slideshow2.swf" width="1111" height="413"> 
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /> 
<param name="wmode"             value="opaque" /> 
<param name="bgcolor"           value="#FFFFFF" /> 
<param name="scale"             value="showall" /> 
<param name="quality"           value="autohigh" /> 
<param name="align"             value="l" /> 
<param name="allowfullscreen"   value="true" /> 
<param name="base"              value="/" /> 
<param name="play"              value="true" /> 
<param name="menu"              value="false" /> 
<param name="loop"              value="true" /> 
<param name="flashvars"  value="lt%3Bbr_%2F=&amp;gt%3B%0D%0A=&amp;lt%3Bp=&amp;gt%3B%0D%0A%09=&amp;lt%3Binput_id=&amp;quot%3BgwProxy=&amp;quot%3B_type=&amp;quot%3Bhidden=&amp;quot%3B_%2F=&amp;gt%3B=&amp;lt%3B%21--Session_data--=&amp;quot%3BjsProxy=&amp;lt%3B%2Fp=&amp;width=1111&amp;height=413" /> 
	You are missing some Flash content that should appear here! Perhaps your browser cannot display it, or maybe it did not initialise correctly.</p> 
	<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden" /><!--Session data--><input id="jsProxy" type="hidden" /></p> 
<!--[if gte IE 7]>--> 
<!-- /node-42 -->                                   </div> 
        </div> <!-- /colmain -->