
I'm running drupal 4.7.3. With theme multiflex. I'm having a problem with content blocks, in that it doesn't matter how many empty newlines I put in, Drupal will only ever surround the paragrpha blocks with one P tag.

Also, if I try to type manually a few BR tags, they just get removed. This happens even in Full HTML mode. Any BR's I type just aren't in the output HTML. I'm not using any WYSIWYG editor, just plain old TEXTAREA.



WillieBHines’s picture

I think "Full HTML" by default still has the "add in BR tags for line breaks" setting -- and that also means it collapses excess BR tags.

You COULD go to "input format" under you admin settings, and configure FULL HTML to not mess with BR tags at all. Then you could add in as many BR tags as you want and they wouldn't be touched.

You could also add in another input format, which would be a clone of FULL HTML, except that it wouldn't mess with BR tags -- then you'd have both types available to you.

It's not as bad as it looks.
I'm sure that's reassuring.