Below are the Events, Conditions and Actions available with Privatemsg-Rules Integration.


Privatemsg: A message is sent
- When messages are sent from a user on the site this event is triggered. You will be able to select Conditions to check for and Actions to implement once this event is triggered.


Thread has tag
- This condition is used to check if the message sent has a specific tag


Load a tag
- This action is used to load a tag. After it is loaded it can be used with the condition to check if a thread has the tag, or used with the action to tag a privatemsg thread with a specific tag.

Reply a message
- This action is used to reply to the message that was sent.

Send a message
- This action is used to send a message.

Tag a privatemsg thread
- This action is used to tag a privatemsg thread. You will first need to use the action Load a tag in order to load the tag you would like to use.

The Privatemsg-Rules integration becomes very useful in combination with other modules such as LoginToboggan, User Relationships, and User Points modules or with other Rules Conditions and Actions available by default. Please check the example use-case pages and add more that may help the community. Thank you!