I'm using the following code to generate a listing pages of recent blog entries.

$content_type = 'blog';
unset ($output);

$prev_day = '';
$result1 = pager_query("SELECT n.title, n.nid, n.uid, n.created, u.name, c.comment_count 
                                        FROM {node} n INNER JOIN {users} u ON n.uid =u.uid 
                                        INNER JOIN {node_comment_statistics} c ON n.nid = c.nid 
                                        WHERE n.type = '$content_type' AND n.status = 1 
                                         ORDER BY n.created DESC");

while ($node = db_fetch_object($result1)) {

$day = format_date($node->created, 'custom', 'l, jS F');

if ($day != $prev_day) {
    $output .= "<h2>$day</h2>";
    $prev_day = $day;

$output .= "<p>" . l($node->title, "node/$node->nid") . "<br>" . "<small>» Posted by " . l($node->name, "user/$node->uid") .  ". There " . format_plural($node->comment_count, 'is 1 answer', 'are %count answers') . " so far." . "</small></p>";

$output .= theme('pager', NULL, $listlength);
print $output;

The output is:

Day, xth of the Month
Title of node (url with title)
» Posted by USER (link to user). There are (comment count) answers so far.

I would like to also include the taxonomy terms in which the blog post has been made:

Day, xth of the Month
Title of node (url with title)
» Posted by USER (link to user) in Taxonomy Term1, Taxonomy Term 2. There are (comment count) answers so far.

Now, I see in the API that there is a function called taxonomy_node_get_terms which performs this function, however, I am uncertain how to include it in the query.

Any help much appreciated.


C-Watootsi’s picture

Anyone? Man, these SQL questions are pretty unpopular.

C-Watootsi’s picture


nevets’s picture

Using 4.6 you can

$term_set = taxonomy_node_get_terms(27);

$term_list = "";
foreach ( $term_set as $term ) {
  if ( $term_list ) {
    $term_list .= ', ';
  $term_list .= l($term->name, "taxonomy/term/$term->tid");
if ( $term_list ) {
  $term_list = "In " . $term_list;

Place this before the line that sets $output and add $term_list where you want them.

(side note, in 4.7 the terms are already in $node->taxonomy)

C-Watootsi’s picture

Doesn't quite work yet, but that's probably me being stupid. Thanks for taking the time Nevets.


nevets’s picture

Minor point, replace the 27 (first function call) with the node id you want terms for. Possibly use $node->nid depending on the context.