I had two content types using a CCK field. I deleted one of these content types. That field in the other content was a content type used by Flexifield. All the data from that column was removed from Flexifield.


ice5nake’s picture

I also tested just removing the shared column from non-flexifield content type and that also caused the column to lose its connection to flexifield. The data seems to still be in the database though although I am not familiar enough to reconnect them.

geek-merlin’s picture

ugh, i think we faced this here too.

ice5nake’s picture

Too better explain this problem:

I have two Content Types
Content Type A and Content Type B each with an instance of a node reference field. Lets call it field_nfc. I then remove field_nfc from Content Type B.

I see that the DB table content_field_nfc gets deleted and a column inside content_type_a gets added called field_nfc_nid. This field is however NULL for all rows. Meaning the data didn't get migrated correctly from the table content_field_nfc into table content_type_a.

I wonder if this is a flexifield problem, CCK problem or maybe more specifically a node reference field problem.

In my scenario content_type_a is used in a flexifield. So that might still be the problem.