In every release I read the text:

For the most trouble-free transition from an existing installation, it is recommended that you first upgrade to Drupal 4.6.8 or Drupal 4.7.2.

Problem is that this advice to first upgrade to the former version appears in all former releases.

At the moment I have an installation with version 4.6.3 and I am in doubt how to upgrade. Should I first upgrade to 4.6.4, 4.6.5, 4.6.6, 4.6.7, 4.6.8, 4.6.9, then continue with 4.7.0, 4.7.1 and finally (pffff) 4.7.3?

And what to do with the Xtemplate theme I still used in 4.6.3? How do you upgrade from 4.6.3 with xtemplate to 4.7.3 without having to make a new phptemplate?

The text does not explain how to procede and up to now I only experienced many database errors and was unsuccessfull to upgrade the site. update.php script left many tables unchanged and I had to start doing it manually. In the end I had a site with a theme that wouldn't change and without side columns. Apparently it was unable to start up xtemplate. So I gave up deleted it again and like to start from scratch and do it correctly. Could someone guide me?


ñull’s picture

What I did:

- leave all modules turned on when the new 4.7 modules contain .install or when they don't have any specific db table.
- Upgrade Drupal core 4.6.3 to 4.6.9, not upgrading the modules and not forgetting to run update.php
- Overwrite this with 4.7.3 and all 4.7 contributed modules not belonging to core
- Then run update.php
- Overwrite Xtemplate with version 4.7

As far as I can tell, with this procedure I got most of the site up, except for the banner module. Looking at its .install file it only caters for installation, not for upgrade from 4.6. I guess I will have to delete its tables and reinstall that module from scratch.

sepeck’s picture

You should be able to go straight to 4.7.3. The reason the advise is to incrementally upgrade is for two reasons. One, more people do it as releases are out so there is more experience and testing. It should work.

There is also here:
I use this outline:

Note: I never upgrade my live site. I update a restored site then switch it from the dev to live through Apache.

-Steven Peck
Test site, always start with a test site.
Drupal Best Practices Guide -|- Black Mountain

-Steven Peck
Test site, always start with a test site.
Drupal Best Practices Guide