I couldn't find this searching the archives. I would like an arbitrary node to return a "You must be logged in to do that!" when being accessed by an anonymous user.

Is there not a simple way? Or am I blind? I tried the overkill of setting up the Taxonomy Access Control module briefly, but it wasn't working or did something wrong.

Is there a module that allows any node to be checked to authenticated users only (without having to setup a taxonomy scheme)?


elfcurry’s picture

This contributed module front_page is intended to do this.
See http://drupal.org/handbook/modules/Front_page

nshreders’s picture

I installed it, but it only seems to be able to change the what the front page looks like depending if the user is authenticated or anonymous. If a user enters a direct url to a node off the front page, this module does not seem to have any access control and allows anyone to view the node. Or am I doing something wrong?

styro’s picture

Is there a module that allows any node to be checked to authenticated users only (without having to setup a taxonomy scheme)?

Yes, plenty. You might want to look at simpleaccess or node_privacy_byrole etc.

And optionally, customerror if you want non node error pages.

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nshreders’s picture

simple_access works. thanks!