I currently have a Drupal installation at www.gamersuplink.com that I am working on. So far, it's pretty good...A very strong system. I still have quite a bit of content I am migrating over to the system. One major item is all the old news and information.

For the news, I used a program called "News Publisher" located at www.gwscripts.com. The data and information was housed in a text file sorted as follows:

MM/DD/YY|:|Name|:|Email@email.com|:|Time (24 Hour)|:|Headline|:|Teaser|:|Unix Timestamp (or what I believe to be one)|:|Main Content

This seems like it would be relatively easy to import directly to the appropriate nodes tables. I'm assuming that I would need to import the whole thing into the node_revisions table and then the headline and such to the node table. I'm sure there has to be some additional underlying items that needs to be done as well. Can someone point me in the right direction?


uzplayer’s picture

Am assuming that no one has a sure-fire method of doing this.