I have used Drupal in my native language. I downloaded translation package. I've used it;
But especially for extensions, there are some texts which have not translated yet.

I have two choices for them.

  • Translate Interface
  • Downloading and editing PO Files

Is there any difference between Translate Interface and PO Files?
If so, what is the difference?
Which one I should use?


cog.rusty’s picture

The po files are good for bulk-importing existing translations already done by others (or yourself).

For personal use, it is fine to edit them on-site using the interface, without having to deal with gettext syntax, and of course you can re-export them to po files for use in different sites.

By translating po files, on the other hand, you could complete missing strings in a translation and submit it, or submit a translation for a module. This is good for contributing back and getting/giving feedback for improvements.

Dilemma21’s picture

Thank you for reply.
Well, if I use translation interface to translate a string and then I want to change it with PO file's translation. Have I experienced any problem when translating same string?

cog.rusty’s picture

No difference. When you import a po file, it asks you if you want to overwrite the existing strings or not.