noie6 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Issue #1102902 by altrugon

Add base path to javascript file to avoid problems with website that are not located on the server's root.

noie6 6.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Allow people to administer the module ONLY when they have the "administer noie6" permission. See #1180234: Admin menu permissions for more information.

noie6 7.x-1.0

First stable release for D7.

This tag was created from 7.x-2.x branch after the path to the noie6.js was forced to be absolute.

noie6 6.x-1.3

For some reason the previous 6.2 release was missing the images folder, this release add the folder back.

noie6 7.x-2.x-dev

This is the first D7 version of this module. Please note #865536: drupal_add_js() is missing the 'browsers' option; the way around to this problem used here is thanks to mfer, also thank you to all the other users that help with this issue.

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