Could we please have some instructions on how to use this? I'm using content taxonomy and would like to freetag a CCK field with a single tag (e.g. School of Arts, Languages, and Literature) without it being split into multiple tags.


arhak’s picture

Title: Usage » support content_taxonomy
Category: support » feature

this module is intended to handle core's taxonomy
content_taxonomy has it own way to constraint free tagging, which includes the max number of tags allowed

nevertheless, I guess that when you set the max to 1 it still splits at commas
I'm not sure whether this should be a feature request for content_taxonomy or if we can do something about it from this module, ..we'll see..

ck9’s picture

Thanks for the reply. I've found that constraining the free tagging to '1' within content_taxonomy results in the input being rejected if it contains a comma. I really need this to accept commas as just plain text?

arhak’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (won't fix)

oh, its been a long time...
this module is currently under "Maintenance fixes only"

you can request that feature to content_taxonomy
or try