I'm using a flag (flag abuse module) that's set up on every user profile in panels (flag link is generated through views) which makes it possible for all other users to flag the profile as abusive or inappropriate. When flagged the private message module kicks in and sends a message to the admin that [account:user] has been flagged. Problem is that if I'm using content profiles the returned username I get is "Anonymous". Flag Abuse also has a default page which lists all the flagged users through a view table and the users there are also listed as "Anonymous".

So there seems to be a problem to fetch the username from the content profile.
These are som other setups that I have:
* Flag type is "User" (I've also tried to change this into node but the flag-link won't show up on the profile then)
* The view that I've set up to show the flag-link consists of a PHP code-field with the snippet:
<?php print flag_create_link('flag_name', $account->uid); ?>
* Arguments for the same view is by "User: Uid" which is also set in panels.

How do I set it up so that the real username of the flagged user profile is returned instead of just "Anonymous"?