I tried to put this value into account for user.save and the format json selected..


and it spit out this error...

Fatal error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /var/www/sites/all/modules/services/services/user_service/user_service.inc on line 214

Talking with some guys on irc, Hugowetterberg pointed this out:

user_service.module has a bug as it declares $account as struct on L102, but in user_service.inc it's apparent that it expects an array. That bug goes to services itself.


The json_server has a bug that always causes it to pass JSON-'object notation' as an object, even if the argument is defined as an array. This is mainly caused by there being no such thing as a assoc array in json, just objects or actual arrays. That is a bug that should be filed on json_server.


You can fix this by setting the type for the account arg in the user service to 'array' _and_ adding the conversion that I linked to in the rest server (http://github.com/hugowetterberg/rest_server/blob/master/includes/RESTSe...) to the json_server. Both could, and should, be submitted as patches.

unfortunately im no good at doing patches, but would test anyone's that makes one.

Im stuck and cant move forward.