Given everything that's come up about the use of git submodules, I figured I'd open an issue specifically for discussing them - how we recommend people use them, and all that. See: #782684-3: Establish and codify standard set of git-for-drupal workflows (meta issue) and #814174: Git / integration, at the very least.


Damien Tournoud’s picture

Here is the structure that we currently use for Drupal projects:

  • drupal/: core files (git submodule), modified to have profiles and sites a symlink to ../profiles and ../sites
  • profiles/: project-specific installation profiles
  • sites/: sites directory
    • all/modules/contrib: one submodule per contrib module (pointing to the release repositories on
    • all/modules/custom: custom modules, directly in the repository
  • docs/: project documentation
  • config/: deployment configuration
John Pitcairn’s picture

Subscribe. That's pretty similar to what I've been thinking I'll do for a multisite install that gets moved around a few development servers, and production sites might be split between a few servers.

I'm thinking I'll also use submodules for themes in /sites/all/themes/xxx, and stuff in /sites/all/libraries/xxx.

Just wondering whether anyone thinks its worthwhile to bother with stuff like /sites/xxx/modules/xxx and /sites/xxx/themes/xxx as submodules, or just stick with one repository for the site at /sites/xxx ? I haven't yet had to deal with the git-mechanics of, say, reverting to an earlier version of a single custom theme for a site, while keeping other custom themes and site-specific modules. But I know I will.

Elijah Lynn’s picture

Is this similar to what this tutorial is talking about.

I am interested in figuring this out too.

gg4’s picture

Is it possible to include only a partial tree from a git repository as a submodule?

dww’s picture

@_double: I don't actually know if Git supports that or not. Are you asking because you're worried about pulling in all of contrib? That's not how Git on d.o is going to work. Each contrib project will have a separate repo, so if you have a submodule pointing to Views, you only get Views. Not sure why you'd want a partial tree given this configuration...

eliza411’s picture

Project: infrastructure » The Great Git Migration
Component: Git » Migration scripts

Putting in the appropriate project

voxpelli’s picture

I would advice anyone to stay far far away from submodules as you can get into very nasty problems when removing, merging or in any other way moving or altering them. I've used them quite a lot myself and they are nice when they do work (and when people do remember to initialize them) but when they don't you're in a complete mess.

In a multisite drupal I would add all of the individual sites as repos of them own and through a gitignore in the main drupal repo ignore every single site.

For contrib modules I would add these as subtrees by using git-subtree:

gg4’s picture


Thanks for the useful input. I am trying to establish a best-practice workflow for git + multisite in D7.


alanburke’s picture


eliza411’s picture

Project: The Great Git Migration » Documentation
Component: Migration scripts » Correction/Clarification
Priority: Normal » Major
Issue tags: +developer

Moving to the docs queue.

Slovak’s picture


Agileware’s picture


Matthew Davidson’s picture

Based on this advice I looked at git-subtree and haven't looked back. Once you're set up, the workflow is as simple as git-subtree push -P path/to/module remoterepo branch to push commits elsewhere, and substitute pull in place of push to merge from upstream. Compared to submodules, it's ludicrously simple. You just have to ensure each commit you make is module-specific (which it should be, anyway) so that they can be split off cleanly.

garrettrayj’s picture

subscribing’s picture

Category: task » support
Priority: Major » Normal

I am really not sure if I am on the right thread so I ask you to forgive me if I am not and if you do know where I can have some further information, please give me some pointers.

We are migrating the Brazilian Public Software Portal into Drupal and we are already experiencing with the International Public Software Portal in this link:

We want the projects hosted in our portal to use our git repository and I am trying to find a couple of things:

1. a single-signon solution for both Drupal 7 and git
2. a git browser module
3. a github connector

Can you give me some clues?

watbe’s picture

Category: support » task
Priority: Normal » Major

Use the forums for support requests - - you are more likely to find help by posting a forum topic.’s picture

Done! Thank you!