Hi there,

I'm developing a theme atm., testing it on this site: WoW Grinding Guide

I'm pretty far but I'm stuck with one problem atm.: Whenever you click on a news item (frontpage), e.g. "Grinding - explained", you will notice that the "Submitted by reteep" is way too far away from the title.

It's all correct on the frontpage but as soon as you click on a news entry the alignment is gone.

Is it possible to apply the node.tpl.php settings to those news entry page, too? It seems like the News Entry Page is using a different markup than node.tpl.php which is confusing me..



desm0n’s picture

Hi there.

Check out your .node class in your grinding/style.css

You have a top padding of 15px which is causing the issue

so change

.node {
  padding: 15px 0 15px 0;

to something like

.node {
  padding: 2px 0 15px 0;

BTW great looking site.

Our mission is to discuss issues and topics of residents of Port Talbot. We provide info on events, issues, concerns and discussions of our local area.

reteep’s picture

Thanks, I make the theme public as soon as it's done.

I need the 15px at the top, it looks better that way :o .. the problem is, as soon as I clicked on a news entry the title is not part of the node class anymore. It's before the node class so the padding is not applied. Any other idea? I tried a few different things but didn't find a well solution yet..


cog.rusty’s picture

It is the .node class which causes the problem, and you can't do much without changing it.

As you can see by looking at the generated html code, the difference between the teaser page and the full node page is that:
- in the teaser page the node title is part of the .node
- in the full node page the node title is not part of the .node.

Maybe you can make it "padding: 0 0 30px 0;" and then put another 15px top padding in your #content id.

reteep’s picture

Okay, thanks for the input guys!