I followed Steven's "Quick Hack" suggestion (http://drupal.org/node/view/6385#9600) for suppressing "Submitted by" on static pages by making the following modifications:

Open up xtemplate.theme and find the following lines:

"submitted" => t("Submitted by %a on %b.", 
                      array("%a" => format_name($node), 
                            "%b" => format_date($node->created))),

and replace by

"submitted" => ($node->type != 'page' ? t("Submitted by %a on %b.", 
                      array("%a" => format_name($node), 
                            "%b" => format_date($node->created))) : ''),

This works great for HTML formatted static pages, but it does not work with PHP formatted pages. I suspect that this might be caused by PHP pages not being rendered as node type = 'page' for some reason. I have spent hours searching the entire site for possible explanations and solutions, but aside from finding a handful of posts identifying the same problem, I have not found anything that is actionable. So, I am hoping that this forum topic will attract attention and suggestions from one of the many Drupal wizards in the community. Any suggestions are appreciated.
