Hello all.
I suppose the content profile module is internally build by tying a "regular" node to a user account.
I would like to be able to traverse that link to be sure to always grab the user the content profile is tied to.
Does the content profile module make sure that the author of the content profile is ALWAYS the tied user account ?
Or is there a way, when I have an old on the content profile node, to reference the user account in PhP ?

To explain the context I want to tie together a user profile and a content type instance (another node) that contains complementary informations (think a scorecard tied to a user, the scorecard can't be IN the user profile because it can change but a scorecard is ALWAYS tied to its user/owner).
Of course a content profile can be done by an admin FOR a user or a scorecard can be managed by an admin on behalf of a user so neither the "acting user" or the "author" of the content profile or scorecard node can be guaranteed to be the "real user" the scorecard and content profile are for.

Right now I am trying to do that with rules and so I am trying to "set a cck field" in the scorecard (a user reference field) to the user OWNING the content profile ... and I don't know where to pull that information from.

Maybe the content profile author is "forcibly" kept to be the user it is tied to, without regards of who created or edited it but I am not sure about this.

If somebody with good knowledge of the module could shed some light on this, It would be greatly appreciated.

thanks a lot for your time and the work on this module.