PHP version: 5.2.9
Drupal version: 6.16
Bookings API: 6.x-3.x-dev
Views: 6.x-2.10
CCK: 6.x-2.6
Date API: 6.x-2.4

I first noticed this issue with the 6.x-1.0-alpha5 version of Public Bookings. I then tried the 6.x-3.x-dev version and found that the issue is still present.

My hosting server is in California. I have the default time zone set in Drupal to America/New_York (3 hours later than California) for both the site and my Admin user account.

I created an availability constraint for a resource with a start time of 6pm and an end time of 8pm (see attached file available-1.jpg). When I then look at the start and end times in the list of Availabilities the times are displayed as 9pm and 11pm (see attached file available-2.jpg). It appears that the times were captured/stored in server time instead of being interpreted in the local time zone.


Anonymous’s picture

I've found a similar issue when accessing the bookingsystem via AJAX. The problem is that the API contains a mixture of different time-calls (e.g. using NOW() in SQL-statements, calling time() or the now-command of the date-api). I hadn't noticed this for the view-integration, thanks for the bug report!

I really have to go through the whole code :(

hugeknot’s picture

I have the same problem, the availability check is accurate it is only regarding the display of bookings. I will have to issue a disclaimer until this is fixed.