In the comment preview page a copy of the node content is reported at the bottom of the comment preview. How can I disable the node render and leave only the comment preview + comment from?
Is it possible?


puleddu’s picture

CSS did the trick but a display:hidden; directive is not the best way. Data is hidden but present!
Still waiting for an answer.

mac_perlinski’s picture

Well my solution for your problem would be overriding the theme_comment_preview($comment, $links = array(), $visible = 1) function using phptemplate engine. So you create in your /themes/yourtheme/template.php function

function phptemplate_comment_preview($comment, $links = array(), $visible = 1);
return _phptemplate_callback('comment_preview',array('comment'=>$comment,'links'=>$links,'visible'=>$visible));

and after that you create your own template for displaying comment_preview so you create in your /themes/yourtheme/comment_preview.tpl.php template for displaying the comment preview.
All variables $comment, $links, $visible are available within the scope of comment_preview.tpl.php.

Thats very short way to give you the clue how you should thing about your solution, parhaps there is 10 other ways to accomplished this issue, if you need more details feel free to contact me
kindest regards
Maciej Perlinski

puleddu’s picture

Exactly what I was looking for!
Thank you Mac.

mac_perlinski’s picture

adixon’s picture

I don't think this code actually works, even though it should. If it doesn't, try: