Hi All,

It seems like a simple problem but I could not find the answer in the forums. How would I activate the comments(replies) only for the forums. When I activate comments it activates it for everything, pages, polls...etc.

Thank you!


ericG’s picture

got to admin/settings/content-types/

there you will see a listing of all your content types.

the configure link next to each will take you to a screen where you set the default preferences for each content type

set default comment settings to
for all but your forums

Rain-1’s picture

Thanks! sounds like the way to go.

However I already have plenty of content created , pages events...etc. Do I now have to go to every single one of these content pages and from edit->content>disable comments

After I make your recommended change the new pages I create have comments disabled but the old content are still Enabled.

I guess if there is no other way I will just manually change them.

ericG’s picture

Depending on how comfortable you are with manual manipulation of your database, you could try to just change the settings directly in the node table.

UPDATE node set comment=0 where comment =2

or even

UPDATE node set comment=0 where comment =2 AND type !="forum"

to change all but your forum content types to comments disabled
I don't use forum.module, so I'm not sure if the content type is actually called forum, check the db first

Rain-1’s picture

ericG it worked great

the type did turn out to be "forum"