I can't translate taxonomy terms at title of pages like /taxonomy/term/tid. How it can be solved?


cog.rusty’s picture

To translate things which are not in the code but in the database, such as taxonomy term names, you will probably need the http://drupal.org/project/i18n module.

rinat_s’s picture

Using this module I translated all terms, and it works on nodes. But not at the title of browser window.

cog.rusty’s picture

Now this is a blind suggestion because I never used it, but what you said reminded me of this picture with the big arrow:


Check to see if this is of any use to you.

rinat_s’s picture

I put this pattern to page title: [i18n-term] | [site-name]. But [i18n-term] token doesn't work. For MY SITE it shows as it written: [i18n-term] | MY SITE.