I'm trying to set some fields to visible and not editable for create state. But those fields are not visible at all even if I leave the admin/settings/workflow_fields setting to default.

The only two fields that I'm able to set to visible but not editable is the title and the body of a node. All cck fields do not respect workflow field settings. Any ideas?


infojunkie’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.1 » 6.x-1.x-dev

Version 1.1 is very old. Please try 1.x and let me know if it works.

wuinfo - Bill Wu’s picture

Not working after upgrading to 6.x-1.x-dev version.

infojunkie’s picture

What about other states? Do they work correctly?

cindyr’s picture

I'm having the same problem, and it's with view only, not the edit state.

One step that helped part of it was to change user permissions. I have CCK Content Permissions installed. Contrary to what you'd expect, you need to set your cck fields to set at least authenticated user view access (or anonymous, or whatever role you need) at admin/user/permissions. Despite it saying that anonymous users have access, workflow fields then restricts the access (different from the typical "grant" concept most access modules use).

However, that didn't fix all of it. I've checked both the Workflow settings and the Workflow Field settings and they are all set as they should be.

As the author (and admin/user 1) as well as an Additional Editor, in this particular workflow state (Under development), I should be able to view:
Title - I can
Body - I can
Date (cck date field) - I can
Additional Editors (cck user reference field) - I can
Version (cck text radio buttons) - I cannot
Types (cck text field with multiple entries) - I cannot

As either role, I do have the ability to edit everything as appropriate.
The anonymous user sees only the Title, Body and Additional Editors as appropriate.
As a reviewer, I should be able to see most of that above, but again the Version and Types are not showing. The parts that are supposed to be hidden are correctly hidden.

cindyr’s picture

OK, I disabled CCK Content Permissions and CCK Field Permissions because I realized they were unnecessary with Workflow Fields. They are no longer a consideration.

I don't think the problem has to do with the types of cck fields. I have a second content type using a similar workflow but different fields. Again the problem is that certain fields simply aren't visible to any of the roles that should have access to them. In this case, I should be able to view:

Title - I can
Body - I can
Date (another cck date field) - I can
Disease (cck node reference) - I can
Species (cck node reference) - I can
Region (cck text single entry) - I can
Additional Editors (cck user reference similar to one above) - I cannot

There is also not a correlation between the number of cck fields of what is visible and what's not between the two content types.

cindyr’s picture

Fixed for me. The database tables must have become corrupt. When I started over with new content types, all worked as it should.