
I made some modifications to give ability to this module to show signup report for a campaign to anonymous users:

To enable it edit file activism.module:

Add before line:
'administer activism',
'view activism campaign report',

Add before line:
if ($op == 'view') {

if (user_access('view activism campaign report', $account) && $op == 'activism tab access') {
	return TRUE;

Now you can enable viewing of campaign report in Permissions page.


hlan’s picture

Thanks for this hacking codes. But now anonymous can even see the call to action tab and change anything in there. Is there any way to fix it?


janeks’s picture

Yep - that's was my fault.
Here is the fix:

Edit last line in:

  $items['node/%node/activism_report'] = array(
    'access callback'     => 'activism_campaign_access',
    'access arguments'    => array('activism tab access', 1),


    'access arguments'    => array('activism report access', 1),

and in previous fix created line:

if (user_access('view activism campaign report', $account) && $op == 'activism tab access') {

change to:

if (user_access('view activism campaign report', $account) && $op == 'activism report access') {