
I want to move to a new server with my drupal site. I exported all the tables in mysql / phpmyadmin and imported them (mysql / phpmyadmin) into my new server.

However, my site is not accessible and just has a load of errors. Do I need to use the import / export API or am I doing something wrong?

The full list of errors is at: http://firefoxclub.freehostia.com/sudoku

Thanks in advance.


styro’s picture

Did you update the $db_url settings to match your new database name?

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B747’s picture

Well if you mean settings.php I think all the information in that's correct.

styro’s picture

It sounds like Drupal is looking for a database called 'malbal_1' and the tables are prefixed with 'sudoku'. So that is what is configured in Drupal. Do the table names on your new server have the same prefix as what is configured in Drupal? Is the database name still that?

It also looks like you need fix up that collations problem too. I don't know exactly how - try searching for 'illegal collations' for more pointers.

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B747’s picture

Well the tables are definitely there, look: Only local images are allowed.

But the errors are database errors. Here's exactly what I did
- I went to my old host's phpmyadmin and exported all the 'sudoku' prefixed tables, which relate to all of the relevant drupal data
- I went to the new host's phpmyadmin and imported all of the sudoku prefixed tables successfully - everything was created.
- There was already a working drupal site set up at my new address, so I simply changed the settings.php file to reflect the new tables - changed the db prefix to 'sudoku_'