If you need to add, edit, and view access rights to a cck node type you've created like the book module access options:

- create book pages
- create new books

you can get this feature without any changes to CCK at all.

All you need is one of the many available node access modules - any should do and there are a range of other good choices available but for this example we will be using the - "Node privacy by role", which works nicely; allowing default settings to be given to any CCK content types that you give settings to.

With the node privacy by role module installed, you can change the default workflow of a content type so that all the content of that type is editable for the roles you select. It also allows you to assign specific permissions to an individual node if you want to protect it from viewing or editing.

How to... - with node privacy by role

After enabling the module on the module page, make sure that you activate it on the administer » settings » node_privacy_byrole page - or any settings will not take effect.

After creating your content type go to administer » settings » content types - from here select the content type you want to assign permissions to. Expand the node privacy by role option (if you need to) and you are given the following options:

  • Permissions For Permissions - Select, by role, which users can change permissions, on a node-by-node basis, from the default permissions set for this node type
  • Default Edit Permissions - Select by role which users can, by default, edit nodes of this type
  • Default View Permissions - Select by role which users can, by default, view nodes of this type

If you want to set permissions for a particular node the options are available near the bottom of the edit page

At the moment you will need to apply view & edit permissions by role on any CCK node pages that have already been created


Dewi Morgan’s picture

Note that the above is marked as "Drupal 4.7.x - Drupal 5.x" for a reason: in Drupal 6, you don't create node types through CCK, but rather through core, which adds these permissions by default.

Yet another Drupal user.
MorganAlley web hosting and design.

Anonymous’s picture

Consequently, per CCK field created can have individual permissions, which are defined in the permission section of the Drupal Core Administration.

Combined with the Content Access module - http://drupal.org/project/content_access and/or custom node types, most situations that require user permissions should be possible.