
I'm having an issue when users create Jobs with long titles. The e-mail that they're sent is something like this:

The following user has applied for the above job.

Job: Long Job Title for Demo Company
Job URL: http://www.myjobsite.com/content/long-job-title-for-demon-company
Applicant name: Name
Applicant email: E-mail Address
Applicant URL: http://www.myjobsite.com/users/applicant
Resume: My Resume
Resume URL: http://www.myjobsite.com/content/applicant

Manage job applications at http://www.myjobsite.com/job/applications

Unfortunately, in the e-mail itself, the "Applicant" part of "Applicant Name" gets linked for some reason as well, so the link for the employer to see the job url ends up being

Job URL: http://www.myjobsite.com/content/long-job-title-for-demon-companyApplicant

Which obviously won't work. Anyone have any quick ideas to fix this?



Mark_Watson27’s picture

Try increasing your URL Filter length (admin/settings/filters/1/configure) and decreasing your URL Alias length (admin/build/path/settings). Probably best decreasing the URL Alias length to 72 and matching that in your URL Filter.

Dragonflydesign’s picture

Thanks for the reply. My URL Filter length was already 72, and I changed my URL Alias length to 72 to match, but unfortunately it didn't fix the problem.

Any other ideas?

Mark_Watson27’s picture

If you've changed your URL Aliase to 72 then it can't be too long on any newly created URL Aliases. Did you regenerate the problematic URL Alias? Oh and looking at your URL Aliases you might want to get rid of the /content/ aspect by modifying the node path pattern (/admin/build/path/patterns).

Mark_Watson27’s picture

Sorry I mis-read your question thinking it was a length issue, but having re-read the question you don't say that anywhere.

Dragonflydesign’s picture

It is and it isn't. For whatever reason, in the longer job titles it extends to the next line and joins "Applicant" in the link. Shorter titles don't have the same issue. Though I have no idea why.

rafinskipg’s picture

Can try this, i think it would work.

Line 592 of the job.module file:

$body .= t("\nApplicant name: @name",

Change to this:

$body .= t("\n Applicant name: @name",