I've upgraded to 4.4.1 the other day and noticed that my site cloud admin page is no longer working. I've serched this site and haven't found anyone with the same problem. What am I missing?

Here is the error returned when I attempt to access the admin page:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: table() in /home/httpd/htdocs/bs/modules/cloud.module on line 146


drumm’s picture

Drupal 4.4 does not include the cloud module. It has been moved to an indepenent module: http://drupal.org/project/weblink

paul138’s picture

Why was this removed? Lack of interest? I notice many Drupal sites use it and I liked it a lot. Hmmm.

garym@teledyn.com’s picture

I agree that WebLink does the same job and more, but as one of those Drupalmasters addicted to the old Cloud module, I'll echo the ouch.

I'll also echo the plea from Bert:

does anyone have a migration plan to move the old urls into the new tables?

garym@teledyn.com’s picture

It's not perfect, but it's functional and works for me: Basically, you just export your old cloud into a text file with the following format:

taxo 1 # Internet
 http://www.itac.ca/ Information Technology Association of Canada 
 http://www.informationhighways.net/news/news1.html Information Highways News 
 http://www.informationhighways.net/mag/mcurrent.html Information Highways Newsletter 
taxo 3 # Business
 http://www.policyalternatives.ca/ Centre for Policy Alternatives 
taxo 6 # public software
 http://www.gosapps.com/ Government Opensource Solutions 

Then feed it to the script specifying the target --host, and your URLs are posted via perl's HTTP tools; as an added bonus, all links are verified before posting, and if the target site uses the META tag for a description, the description becomes the initial text in the weblink node. It also sets the refresh to once per day by default, and this can be adjusted on the fly in the script.

On the downside, the script does not use authentication; I wasn't sure how you could convince Drupal that you had a userid and password, so if someone more familiar with this can hack it in, please do. What I do is set weblinks permissions open for anon visitors, run the script, and then tighten the security again. The weblinks appears as posted by anon, but that's a small price to pay when, like me, you had dozens and dozens of cloud URLs to port -- sure, I'd love to have all those sites doing RSS, only I hear the RSS aggregator is also in the queue for a potentially non-backwards-compatible rewrite ...

There's no attachements in this forum, so if you'd like to test it out, this script is posted in my contributions/sandbox/garym/scripts dir.

ioioofftowork’s picture

I had the same problem but grabed the module and made it work.

garym@teledyn.com’s picture

Arden, did you post your patch or the update module? After playing with weblink a bit, it's clearly a different sort of animal and way overkill for my use of Cloud -- Weblink is more of a DMOZ kind of directory service; I have no reviews, no categories, just a list of local community websites that I keep in a latest-updates blogroll.