Even though I change the "From:" field to @user_mail, all messages that come out of Organic Groups appear to come from the Site administrator, which is confusing many of the users on the site. I could change the site informations email to something like "no-reply@somewhere.com", but there are times when I legitimately need to use the email.

I'd like to set it a hard-coded "no-reply@somewhere.com", so users have to log into to read the content, just like a facebook response.

What am I doing wrong? Has anyone else experienced this?

Tim T


ccshannon’s picture

I noticed this today. I set the option for Group Notifications to come from User@site-email.com but they still come through with the Site Information setting.

One hacky thing you can do is create a custom module and use the hook_mail_alter hook (that is, if you're using Drupal mail to send your notifications) and do a preg_replace on the From: line, to force in what you want.