
I am developing a module, and I have some trouble with the navigation links generated by drupal.

How do I affect how these links are built up ?
This is a part of my menu_hook:

$items[] = array(
'path' => "bookings/administration/overview",
'title' => t('overview'),
'callback' => 'bookings_administration_overview',
'access' => TRUE,

$items[] = array(
'path' => "bookings/administration/overview/univoverview",
'title' => t('university overview'),
'callback' => 'bookings_administration_overview',
'access' => TRUE,

$items[] = array(
'path' => "bookings/administration/overview/univoverview/". arg(4),
'title' => t('university booking details'),
'callback' => 'bookings_administration_overview_team',
'access' => TRUE,
'weight' => -10,

What i want now is that at the top of the page it says:
>>Home >> administration >> overview >> univoverview

But now it only says:

>>Home >> adminstration

At first i was under the impression that drupal creates these links by looking at the URL, but apparently I am not correct.

Does anybody know how to fix this ?


Kidon’s picture

Just to be clear, as an example:

Look at the top of this page, you'll see >> Home >> Support >> post installation (or something like that), I am talking about those links !