
I want to change the default URL of the Gallery (gallery.menalto.com) embedded in Drupal.
Default is: www.example.com/?q=gallery (or www.example.com/gallery with rewrite)
I want: www.example.com/?q=photos

But i don´t use the 'alias url'. I want a completly rewriting of the URL inside all Gallery embedded (example for an item: http://www.example.com/?q=photos&g2_itemId=226)

Thanks in advance.

Sorry for my bad English, please :-)


Michelle’s picture

You could try changing the module directory to /photos... I don't know if that would work. Another possibility is changing the URL rewrite rule to put the /photos in, but those rules make my head spin so I can't guarantee that, either.

Sorry for the vague post... I didn't see a response so I thought I'd take stab at it.


delineas’s picture

Thanks MichelleC, but the solution of this problem isn`t easy
I try to modify the gallery.module file to create la url /?q=photos (o similar, but in spanish: /?q=galeria)

delineas’s picture


  1. I've created alias url (admin/path): Alias: photos System: gallery
  2. Change this paramaeteres in Gallery options (admin/settings/gallery):
    Directory settings > Uncheck 'Autodetect Settings'
    Directory settings > Embed URI (Manually entered value): /?q=photos (/photos if clean URL is on)

I recommend firstly don´t write the Directory Settings manually (checked 'Autodetect Settings') for more control of the correct URL.
