Hello everyone,
I have a quick question...I have tried to use the syntax: [image:node_id,(left|right|top|middle|bottom|absmiddle|texttop|baseline),hspace,vspace,border]in attempting to place a thumbnail. More specifically I've used [image:node_id,left] for a thumbnail in the story content. However, when I attempt to use hspace,vspace,or border along with [image:node_id,left] the thumbnail does not show. In fact, when I use () around left i.e.[image:node_id,(left)] as indicated by the syntax, my thumbnail does not show. When I just use [image:node_id,left] everything works fine. Any ideas as to what's going on?

Thanks for reading,


Boris Mann’s picture

The () brackets mean choose one of the following. hspace, vspace, and border should be numbers.

Here's an example that should work:

larry’s picture

Hello bmann,
I see. I had been trying [image:node_id,(left), hspace=10, vspace=10, border=1]...now it works. Thank you for your response and help...and the example.


--There are no Kangaroos in Austria--