I found a problem producing complex queries since the node table in the base of all content.
I have content type with extra db called JOB. It has 2 fields - nid and 'top price'.
Second content type has extra db called APL. It has 2 fields - nid and 'offer price'.
Now - how can I create a query that produces a sortable table of job.title, job.top_price, apl.title, apl.offer_price?
I found myself lost in queering node table from few directions, very often (maybe I should choose 'computers sciences' instead of 'product design' for a diploma...)
a diploma...)



drupalxykon’s picture

This has little to do with the node table or drupal.

A hint is that you want node.title not job.title

also, do you want job and apl to be related to each other? If so, you want to add a foreign key-primary key between them.

Either that, or they are unrelated but you just want an union query between them..depends on what you are trying to do



nevets’s picture

If they are related, that is job.nid == apl.nid == node.nid and only one record in each table for a given nid and the nid is present in all tables this should get you started.

$sql = "SELECT n.tittle, j,top_price, a.offer_price FROM {node} n JOIN {job} j USING(nid) JOIN {apl} a USING(nid)";

This will produce one record for each nid in all three tables. You can add a WHERE clause to select a subset of the records and an ORDER BY clause to determine the sort order.

drupalxykon’s picture

if they are related like that then it makes no sense to have two seperate tables.

I meant an app corresponds to a job in some way even though they are different node ids..thats one way they could be related.



fatfish’s picture

that stores job and apl relations - jid and aid, so the query's purpes is to show all jobs and there related aplications in a single table. Therefor I need to titles on diferent nodes from the node table in a single query.


..:| Tomer Fish |:..
fatFish - Lean Mean Coding Machine

nevets’s picture

This example assumes the join table is called job_apl_relation where jid is the nid in the job table and aid is the nid in the apl table.

$sql = "SELECT n1.tittle as job_title, n2.title as apl_title, j,top_price, a.offer_price
                         FROM {node} n1 JOIN {job} j ON(n1.nid = j.nid)
                         JOIN {job_apl_relation} ja ON(j.nid = ja.jid)
                         JOIN {node} n2 ON(n2.nid = ja.aid) JOIN {apl} a USING(n2.nid = a.nid)";
fatfish’s picture

I got so meny duplicats and I couldnt find a way to distinct .

$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT (n1.nid) , n1.tittle as job_title, n2.title as apl_title, j,top_price, a.offer_price
                        FROM {node} n1 JOIN {job} j ON(n1.nid = j.nid)
                        JOIN {job_apl_relation} ja ON(j.nid = ja.jid)
                        JOIN {node} n2 ON(n2.nid = ja.aid) JOIN {apl} a USING(n2.nid = a.nid)";

Do not seems to make it.

..:| Tomer Fish |:..
fatFish - Lean Mean Coding Machine