webform 7.x-4.22

Bug fixes
New features

7.x-4.22-rc1 released as 7.x-4.22. Changes since 7.x-4.21:

webform 7.x-3.30

Bug fixes

7.x-3.30-rc1 released as 7.x-3.30. Changes since 7.x-3.29:

webform 7.x-3.29

Security update

This release resolves SA-CONTRIB-2019-096.

Changes since 7.x-3.28:

webform 7.x-3.28

Bug fixes

This release should have full compatibility with PHP 7. 7.x-3.28-rc1 released as 7.x-3.28. Changes since 7.x-3.27:

webform 7.x-3.28-rc1

Bug fixes

This release should have full compatibility with PHP 7. Changes since 7.x-3.27:

webform 8.x-5.5-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.5-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.5-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.5-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 7.x-4.20

Bug fixes
New features

7.x-4.20-rc1 released as 7.x-4.20. Changes since 7.x-4.19:

webform 8.x-5.4-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.3-rc3

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.3-rc2

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.3-rc1

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.3-beta3

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.3-beta2

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.3-beta1

Bug fixes
New features

If you are working on a new project, please use the latest beta or release candidate during development and testing, so that you can help find and report any issues or bugs.

webform 8.x-5.2-rc3

Bug fixes
New features

Change records

Changes since 8.x-5.2-rc2:

  • #2902977 by jrockowitz, kclarkson: Provide a straight forward tool for importing submissions from a CSV document
  • #2910055: Webform digest handler
  • #3040581 by jbaraldi, RenatoG: Validating file size with a max value as decimal

webform 7.x-4.19

Bug fixes

Progress Bars

Progress bars on single-page forms, which were enabled by default in 7.x-4.18, will be disabled in 7.x-4.18 by webform_update_7431(); see #2992404: Progress bar displays in single-page forms since 7.x-4.18.


7.x-4.18-rc1 released as 7.x-4.18. Changes since 7.x-4.18:


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