I am trying to troubleshoot my new Drupal installation and having a couple final issues. If you want to see it in person, the site is http://15thwardstl.org

For some reason I can't seem to figure out, I can't get rid of a "question mark" appearing before the links at the bottom of each node (take a look, you'll see what I mean). I know just enough CSS to be dangerous, and am using a "modified" Bluemarine theme. Perhaps I did something to the node.tpl.php file that I can't figure out.

Here is the node php code as it currently exists:

<div class="node<?php if ($sticky) { print " sticky"; } ?><?php if (!$status) { print " node-unpublished"; } ?>">
    <?php if ($picture) {
      print $picture;
    <?php if ($page == 0) { ?><h2 class="title"><a href="<?php print $node_url?>"><?php print $title?></a></h2><?php }; ?>
    <span class="taxonomy">Categories: <?php print $terms?></span>
    <div class="content"><?php print $content?></div>
    <?php if ($links) { ?><div class="links">&raquo; <?php print $links?></div><?php }; ?>


anner’s picture

If you change your character set to Western (ISO-8859-1) they become the little » symbol but your default character set is UTF 8, so you get the ?

yelvington’s picture

I don't have this figured out but here are some more clues.

In the final output, &raquo; has been replaced by the corresponding UTF-8 character '»'. It appears that both IE and Firefox can't find that for the current font and are substituting the question mark.

What's puzzling is how / why the substitution would have been made.

If you look deeper into the site, you can see that the comment template also refers to &raquo; and it is not being replaced by a byte code. Instead, it's exposed as the original HTML entity, and the browsers properly render it.

Take a look here: http://15thwardstl.org/?q=node/11#comment-3

commdevelopr’s picture

The original font for the Blumarine template was Verdana - I changed it to Arial, so it could be that the main node style is looking for that character in arial and not finding it. Perhaps there is another "font" designation buried in the CSS for the comments that specifies verdana...

I'll check it out and see if changing the character works.

Thanks for your quick help!

UPDATE: Got it fixed I think - thanks for your help.