blockregion 6.x-2.2

Bug fixes

Fixed disappearing disabled blocks bug as stated in 374361

blockregion 6.x-2.1

Bug fixes

Fixed some serious typos of v2.0
Performance improvement in basic settings sharing queries

blockregion 6.x-2.0

Bug fixes

Before this release, not all block specific settings where shared between themes. Only weight and status were. Introduced the full copy of block settings, as pointed out by this topic:

"Page specific visibility settings" lost?

blockregion 6.x-2.x-dev

Bug fixes

Before this release, not all block specific settings where shared between themes. Only weight and status were. Introduced the full copy of block settings, as pointed out by this topic:

"Page specific visibility settings" lost?

blockregion 6.x-1.2

Bug fixes

Fixed problem with duplicated/wrong auto generated package ids..

This is the latest Drupal 6 release

blockregion 6.x-1.x-dev

New features

Share drupal block setting with all installed and active themes

1. “Fixed” blockregion options selector position in Administer > Site building > Blocks page
2. The module now tries to guess where the block is most likely to be set in other thems (eg: “left section” matches to “Left Sidebar 1″ more than “Footer”)
3. Right or not, the module makes its choiche and places the block. You still can edit its position manually from the same admin page, after switching to the problematic theme.

blockregion 6.x-1.1

New features

Share drupal block setting with all installed and active themes

1. “Fixed” blockregion options selector position in Administer > Site building > Blocks page
2. The module now tries to guess where the block is most likely to be set in other thems (eg: “left section” matches to “Left Sidebar 1″ more than “Footer”)
3. Right or not, the module makes its choiche and places the block. You still can edit its position manually from the same admin page, after switching to the problematic theme.

blockregion 5.x-1.x-dev

New features

Drupal 5 version with the following additions:

* added "copying" of regions (to all themes with the same regions)
* made scope of settings customizable, ie. apply "to only this theme" or "to all themes"
* cut code size by half by removing duplicated block.module code and using form_alter instead. this should make it less error prone and easier to upgade.
* updated README.txt

follow the changes in CVS for further updates.

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