I'm wanting to make only one of my organic groups broadcast only but I can't figure out how I would go about doing this.

Why would I want to do this you ask?

I want to basically create a broadcast (newsletter) mailing list for my users. I also want to have just the one section of the website for people to subscribe to groups and mailing lists. In my eyes this is more usable than having a seperate newsletter and groups. This also gives people a consistent way to find old messages. And I'd also like to use og_madatory_group to auto-subscribe users to the newsletter group.

Basically what I need is a way to restrict certain roles from posting/commenting in a certain group. I've taken a look at og_roles, but I don't see how this is going to do it for me.

Any other suggestions, or am I stuck with separate newsletter and groups.


dalin’s picture

I was thinking of maybe using the project module and then make a group out of a project and restriciting the permissions on who can create issues. Will this even work? Will og send out the issues as emails? Or is there a simpler way of creating parent/child nodes that aren't the standard node/comment by which I can restrict access.

dave hansen-lange

Dave Hansen-Lange
Director of Technical Strategy, FourKitchens.com