Hello - I've chosen the Fancy theme pretty much as is for a writing group I'm setting up. I disabled sIFR according to the instructions in the readme, but also want to disable sIFR in the logo. Does anyone know how I can do this? Simply, hopefully?


carlmcdade’s picture

I am not familiar with that particular theme but the easiest way to turn off all sifr is to stop the sifr.js from loading. Comment out or remove the line where the js file is included into the template.

Hiveminds Magazine
for web publishers and community builders

jaynedarcy’s picture

I don't know where that is in the template for the logo.

carlmcdade’s picture

On line 6 and 7 of the page.tpl.php

<?php print $head ?><?php print $styles ?>
	<script src="<?php print $base_path ?><?php print $directory ?>/sifr/sifr.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script src="<?php print $base_path ?><?php print $directory ?>/sifr/sifr-addons.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
	<script type="text/javascript"><?php /* Needed to avoid Flash of Unstyle Content in IE */ ?> </script>

Removing the lines 6 and 7 with the js code will stop All sifr from loading. You may have to adjust the CSS by removing any lines that hide the original logo. Which might look like this in the CSS file.

.sIFR-hasFlash #header h1 #site-slogan{
	visibility: hidden;

But I did not see any of this so just remove the js file links and you should be okay.

Hiveminds Magazine
for web publishers and community builders