Displaying full record as node is similar to the process, what we wrote down at Displaying search result list manual, but there are some differences.

It uses the entity's (aka record type or format) 'full display' template, what you can create at the Display templates admin page (xc/search/displaying/display_template).

The template's $xc_record variable contains the similar documents in the $xc_record['mlt'] key ('mlt' = 'more like this'). It contains an array of each similar documents, which has xc_record, element, syndetics_ids, and image_url keys. For example if you want to display the dc:title of the first similar document, use this: $xc_record['mlt'][0]['xc_record']['dc:title']. The cover images of the similar documents are fullfilled if they come from cache, otherwise the same ajax function is responsible to display them. For the similarity's parameters see the More Like This settings manual page.

The document's cover image is displayed in a small/medium size, and in the template, we provide with the downloadable package, we use the lightbox2 module, so you should download, install and enable that if you want to use that feature.