Currently you can only have pagers on whole views. It would be nice if you could specify when making a pager which display to use.

I have a view for stories.
This view has several displays: date archive, category archive, most recent.

If I want a pager ONLY on the "most recent" display, I have to create an entirely separate view. This would not have been an issue in views 1, but in views 2 it is annoying and cumbersome.

If this is already possible, I feel like a moron :D but I couldn't figure out a way to do it.



StephenRobinson’s picture

clone the view and change that?

amysteen’s picture

yeah that's what I did as a workaround, but it made my views list just that much messier and now if I update defaults in one view I have to make sure I do it in the other view as well. It's annoying.

jnettik’s picture

Version: 6.x-1.x-dev » 7.x-1.x-dev

I know this is an older post but this feature is still needed in 7.x.