login_destination 8.x-2.0-beta6

Bug fixes

Issue #3314925 by kalpaitch, LeoAlcci: Always redirects to current page when clicking on the login / logout link
Issue #3350782 by Daniel Kulbe: Missing ::label() implementation causes deprecation warning
Issue #3288368 by Project Update Bot, Rajab Natshah, prudloff, rsvelko, yashingole: Automated Drupal 10 compatibility fixes

login_destination 8.x-2.0-beta5

Bug fixes

Issue #3292255 by Steven McCoy, szymon-gorecki, darvanen, kalpaitch: Can't pass NULL url to Drupal\Component\Utility\UrlHelper isExternal

login_destination 8.x-2.0-beta4

Bug fixes

Issue #2951265 by justcaldwell, bgreco, rsvelko, Christopher Riley, MegaChriz, gaurav.kapoor: Clash with admin_toolbar_tools

login_destination 8.x-2.0-beta2

Bug fixes

Issue #3198752 by vipin.mittal18, larisse, rsvelko: No license specified
Issue #3249490 by gaurav.kapoor: Declare dependency in a correct way in the info.yml file and remove the unwanted core key
Issue #3245047 by weseze: LoginDestinationManager->findDestination() does not check for valid aliasses
Issue #3269290 by victoria-marina, darvanen, almador: Deprecated function: parse_url()

login_destination 8.x-2.0-beta1

Bug fixes

Issue #3172398 by ankithashetty: Fix Drupal Coding Standard Errors
Issue #3172398 by rsvelko: Fix Drupal Coding Standard Errors: fix 2 more warnings
Issue #3172394 by ankithashetty, rsvelko: \Drupal and t() calls should be avoided in classes, use dependency injection instead
Issue #3178518 by yas: Fix a type error of the argument 2 passed to Drupal\login_destination\Form\LoginDestinationRuleForm::__construct()

login_destination 8.x-2.0-alpha3

Bug fixes
New features

Issue #3097304 by pradeepjha: Use full path with different domain
Issue #3145855 by Mistrae, prudloff: Drupal 9 readiness

login_destination 8.x-2.0-alpha2

Bug fixes

Issue #3031467 by dabblela, drclaw, rsvelko: Adds the current url to the query string of any internal but unrouted links

login_destination 8.x-2.0-alpha1

New features

Adding the 8.x-2.x branch of the module - compatible with D8.8+ and D9.
We've decided to keep the 8.x-1.x branch of the module compatible with older drupal core versions - D8 below 8.8.

Issue #3087567 by Suresh Prabhu Parkala, gmangones, dakruchko, rsvelko: Drupal 9 Deprecated Code Report - fixed several deprecation warnings

login_destination 8.x-1.0-alpha2

New features

- Issue #3038968 by alienzed, rsvelko, MegaChriz: Language Aware Destination Rule - we've added a language field so you can redirect based on current language.

login_destination 8.x-1.x-dev

New features

This is initial version of Drupal 8. It is still under development, and does not contain all features from previous version.

login_destination 7.x-1.4

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-1.3:

Fixing the following issues:

  • Fix bugs after updating module from previous version.
  • #2631630 Getting "Incorrect path, Please Enter valid Path" error when trying to add a new path that does work

login_destination 7.x-1.3

Bug fixes

Changes since 7.x-1.2:

Fixing the following issues:

  • #2631630 Use of empty() in login_destination.admin.inc line 538 imcompatible with PHP pre-5.5

login_destination 7.x-1.2

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 7.x-1.1:

NOTE: The upgrade contains changes in the permission settings, update.php should be run after update.

Fixing the following issues:

login_destination 6.x-2.13

Bug fixes
New features

Changes since 6.x-2.12:

NOTE: the upgrade will be seamless - no db schema changes made ( D6 module version does not have its own db tables )

See #2611674: Number of fixed issues - 9, feeling - priceless! 6.x version issues screenshot for a screenshot with all the bugs for D6 finally fixed! This release fixes all known bugs!

login_destination 7.x-1.1

Bug fixes

- Fixed error message when second argument in PHP snippet is not given.
- Issue #1398282 by robby. Changed no triggers to all triggers.
- Issue #1280358 by morningtime. Added "current" var to "user/login" links.
- Issue #1293480 by larskleiner. Fixed typoin access argument.

login_destination 7.x-1.0

Bug fixes

- Fixed current destination in case of 403 Forbidden.
- Fixed the evaluation of PHP snippet.
- Added README.
- Issue #1088078 by mithy. Added redirect to current page from login form.

This is official stable release. Please update.

login_destination 7.x-1.0-beta2

- Fixed the evaluation of current path during logout.
- Issue #1128222 by mithy: Improved trigger description.
- Issue #1111992 by tmuras, mithy: Fixed now checking if post variable is set.

All functionality is already implemented. API is stable. All critical bug are fixed.

login_destination 7.x-1.0-beta1

New features

New features added to Login Destination in the 7.x beta version:
- Added logout redirects
- Added the possibility to redirect to the current page
- Fixed the redirect when logging via OpenID

All functionality is already implemented. API is stable. All critical bug are fixed.

Clear caches in order to make the logout functionality work properly.

login_destination 7.x-1.0-alpha1

New features

New features added to Login Destination in the 7.x version:
- multiple redirect rules.
- redirect on register and one-time login link.
- possibility to redirect upon user role without coding PHP.

login_destination 7.x-1.x-dev

Development snapshot. Do not use on production. Please provide feedback via issue queue.

login_destination 6.x-2.12

Bug fixes

Removed drupal_goto() functions that were causing conflicts with other modules.

login_destination 6.x-2.11

Bug fixes

Removed drupal_goto() functions that were causing conflicts with other modules.

login_destination 6.x-2.10

Bug fixes

Fixed redirect conditions. Note that they were not functioning on previous versions so pelase check your redirect conditions entered in the admin because they will start functioning now and may produce unexpected results.

Fixed bug that was preventing the user object from loading before running the PHP snipper for the destination.

Fixed static page redirect bug and added support for wildcards in static paths.

login_destination 6.x-2.8

Bug fixes

Fixed redirect conditions. Note that they were not functioning on previous versions so please check your redirect conditions entered in the admin because they will start functioning now and may produce unexpected results.

Fixed bug that was preventing the user object from loading before running the PHP snippet for the destination.

Fixed static page redirect bug and added support for wildcards in static paths.

login_destination 6.x-2.7

Bug fixes

Fixed redirect conditions. Note that they were not functioning on previous versions so please check your redirect conditions entered in the admin because they will start functioning now and may produce unexpected results.

Fixed bug that was preventing the user object from loading before running the PHP snippet for the destination.

Fixed static page redirect bug and added support for wildcards in static paths.

login_destination 6.x-2.6

New features
Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-5:

NOTE: the upgrade will be seamless - no db schema in the module and no vars have been changed. The code has been near to rewritten. The only two things that need work are :
1. The login page on /user - it needs to be visited via a link that has "destination=/node/34" to work in the special return-me-back case . IMPORTANT: the /user page works fine in php/static modes.

2. The UI of the module can be better - use case oriented.

Every comment is welcome. You can check out the Donations Thread too.

Contact me at rsvelko

  • #609482 by rsvelko: manually commited patch from there. TODO: re-read all module's code to avoid blind-patching.
  • by rsvelko: Shortened and clarified the README.txt. Also added a working example of the main return-to-last-page use case there. Removed junk from the .info file..
  • #509006, 459866 by rsvelko: bug - high - won't fix - does not redirect back on /user/login (block login works fine) solution - use "destination=" (see the module project page for a howto).
  • #405548 by rsvelko: feature - fixed - support - implemented - test if it works.
  • #455068 by rsvelko: feature - fixed - basic form validation to prevent users from accidentally using plain text mode fo php snippets and vice versa.
  • #190065 by rsvelko: feature - fixed - external http://example.com urls now possible - both in snippet and static-text mode.
  • #626788 by rsvelko: fixed- If login and not during an installation profile.
  • #599456 by rsvelko: bug - fixed - overrides system redirect for "one-time login" at user password recovery.
  • by rsvelko: added and then removed an inline snippets library fieldset into the admin UI. Better if it is in the project page..
  • by rsvelko: finnish README.txt.

login_destination 6.x-2.5

Bug fixes

Changes since DRUPAL-6--2-3:

  • by rsvelko: fixed this broken module - all critical bugs should be resolved now - the module redirects again
  • by rsvelko: removed double-quotes from the .info file

login_destination 6.x-2.3

Bug fixes

CVS issues should be fixed. The latest release here. Please test.

login_destination 6.x-1.0

Bug fixes

Don't use this release! There are defects in it. Use 6.x-1.1 or greater.

login_destination 6.x-1.x-dev

Ported for Drupal 6.0
Please try this release and we are waiting for your feedback!

login_destination 5.x-1.1

Bug fixes

Not critical. Removed undefined variable in drupal_goto() call to avoid possible PHP notice.

login_destination 4.7.x-1.x-dev

* Added ability to specify static or dynamic redirection URL from within a settings page.
* Fixed problem with global $user;

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