Any idea why Taxonomy_dhtml is having trouble with Drupal 4.7 and IE 6? Taxonomy DHTML gives an error on page and parts of the Taxonomy DHTML menu vanish as it expands (not good). Here's the error:

Line 181, Char 5, error not implemented, code 0, URL: http://localhost/mysite/taxonomy_dhtml

What's happening? Any help would be appreciated. I filed an issue report with this project at


edrupalec’s picture

bomarmonk’s picture

It looks like the disappearance of links is related to my theme some way (a custom theme). I still get the error under Bluemarine, but I'm not sure it hurts functionality at all... you might be fine even with this error occuring...

In the meantime, if anyone has any idea why my theme breaks the presentation of taxonomy_dhtml, I would appreciate any advice or solutions. The headings for each category are also missing! Here's the output of the html from IE:

 <!-- start main content -->
      <!-- begin content --><div class="voc">
<ul class="menuList" id="menu_">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
  if (isJsEnabled()) { 
    addLoadEvent(initializeMenu('menu_', 'actuator'));
<li class="menubar"><a href="/alpinecounty/taxonomy/term/272/9" title="" class="actuator" id="actuator1">departments (134)</a></li>
<ul class="submenu" id="menu_1">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
  if (isJsEnabled()) { 
    addLoadEvent(initializeMenu('menu_1', 'actuator1'));
<li class="menubar"><a href="/alpinecounty/taxonomy/term/4/9" title="Administrative department" class="actuator" id="actuator2">administration (12)</a></li>
<ul class="submenu" id="menu_2">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
  if (isJsEnabled()) { 
    addLoadEvent(initializeMenu('menu_2', 'actuator2'));
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/departments/administration/employment_forms" title="" class="dhtml_node">Employment Forms</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/departments/administration/contact" title="" class="dhtml_node">Contact Administration</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/departments/administration/requests_for_proposals_qualifications" title="" class="dhtml_node">Requests for Proposals  &amp; Qualifications</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/departments/administration" title="" class="dhtml_node">Administration</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/images/vote" title="" class="dhtml_node">Vote</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/images/leash_law" title="" class="dhtml_node">Leash law</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/images/winter_drive" title="" class="dhtml_node">winter drive</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/images/weeds" title="" class="dhtml_node">Weeds</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/images/drupal_small" title="" class="dhtml_node">drupal_small</a></li>
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/images/drupal" title="" class="dhtml_node">drupal</a></li>
<li class="menubar"><a href="/alpinecounty/taxonomy/term/76/9" title="Jobs, RFPs, RFQs" class="actuator" id="actuator3">human resources (2)</a></li>
<ul class="submenu" id="menu_3">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
  if (isJsEnabled()) { 
    addLoadEvent(initializeMenu('menu_3', 'actuator3'));
<li class="menubar"><a href="/alpinecounty/taxonomy/term/81/9" title="View open job positions with Alpine County." class="actuator" id="actuator4">employment (1)</a></li>
<ul class="submenu" id="menu_4">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
  if (isJsEnabled()) { 
    addLoadEvent(initializeMenu('menu_4', 'actuator4'));
<li><a href="/alpinecounty/departments/administration/human_resources/employment/employment_opportunities" title="" class="dhtml_node">Employment Opportunities</a></li>
<li class="menubar"><a href="/alpinecounty/taxonomy/term/84/9" title="" class="actuator" id="actuator5">safety (1)</a></li>
<ul class="submenu" id="menu_5">

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
  if (isJsEnabled()) { 
    addLoadEvent(initializeMenu('menu_5', 'actuator5'));
bomarmonk’s picture

I found a nifty hack from another Drupler and modified it... now the site-map/tax_dhtml stuff works, but I still get the not implemented error.... oh well. Here's the solution for the time being:

edrupalec’s picture

thank you. I didn't realize t dhtml had so many problems. I have a vague memory that article has some of this functionality.

Drupal ecommerce, at

bomarmonk’s picture

I never had problems with it until I upgraded to 4.7 and in the process had to change the theme for my site. I may simply be fighting something that I screwed up in the theme of my site... it may be less taxonomy_dhtml's fault. However, the above fix does prevent the jack-rabbit-jump of taxonomies all over the page-- and this happened to an extent with my previous installation. This is really more of a theme issue.

As for the error, it may be related to the XAMPP installation that I'm using to run Drupal-- not sure...