So I have about 200 users that, depending on their position in the company, need different permissions for the site. I have the permissions and roles made, but I don't want to have to go through the user list and assign each person to their specific roles one by one. Each profile has a section that shows what level they are in the corporation, and the select it. Is there a way that when the user selects their level in their account, they will be automatically assigned to their respective user roles? Any help would be wonderful, as I'm on a very steep learning curve with drupal at the moment.


VM’s picture

Deploying Drupal 5.x with Drupal 7.x on the horizon will leave you with an unsuported installation in less than 6 months per my estimation. When D7 is released Drupal 5.x will be sunset.

I'd suggest the roleassign.module or role_invite.module or one of the othe rmodules available that deal with roles. Though if staying with Drupal 5.x I've no idea if any of them were born yet.