A common observation with the TinyMCE editor is that your site, under certain TinyMCE settings and conditions, can slow down quite dramatically. This is because TinyMCE will be pushed to your browser every time it is called. Apparently, TinyMCE will be pushed to the browser even if there is no text area that it could use, resulting in some speed problem with your site.

A very easy fix is the installation of the TinyMCE compressor AND the editing of one particular configuration switch inside tiny_mce_gzip.php:


$diskCache = false; // If you enable this option gzip files will be cached on disk.

to this:

$diskCache = true; // If you enable this option gzip files will be cached on disk..

This makes TinyMCE be

  1. compressed and
  2. be held in your browser's local cache for a definable periode of time (which can be set in the same file)

Now you will only experience the transfer and loading of TinyMCE the first time until it resides in your browser's cache and from then it is instantly there when needed, no preloading of the editor any more, boosting the speed of page rendering in your browser tremendously!

Adapted from panatlantica's blog entry.


bomarmonk’s picture

When installing compression for tiny_mce, where does this change need to be made?

To enable this compressor simply place the tiny_mce_gzip.php in the tiny_mce directory where tiny_mce.js is located and switch your scripts form:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"></script>


<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce_gzip.php"></script>
bpocanada’s picture

http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/ - Download and uncompress in your modules/tinymce directory so that it goes as modules/tinymce/tinymce/*

Also download the "TinyMCE compressor" from the download area http://tinymce.moxiecode.com/download.php - uncompress the file and place tiny_mce_gzip.php in modules/tinymce/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce folder.

Open the tiny_mce_gzip.php and change around the 19th line the code : $diskCache = true;

Make sure to upload the file back (overwrite) with your changes.

http://www.drupaldesigns.com - A BPO Canada Global Services Company

frankcarey’s picture

It looks like my Version 1.10 (2006-12-21) of tiny_mce_gzip already is set to cache=true.

Frank Carey

SeanBannister’s picture

Yes I just noticed this as well.