I'm looking for a module that will allow for visitors to my website to submit their email address to a mailing list to receive emails from my site. Then an administrator could draft an email and have it sent to everyone who has submitted their email address. Does anyone know where I could find a module that does this?


joecanti’s picture


The Simplenews module will do just this...I have done it on a few sites...anonymous users can input their email address into the simplenews block and click submit...their email is then stored on your database...you can then send a 'newsletter' to all addresses on your list - you can even set up several different newsletters for people to subscribe to. You can also customize the emails people receive when they sign up.

Simplenews uses cron to send the emails, which is very effective. They also have a high chance of going on the inbox and not in the spam.

cheers, joe

Rodzilla624’s picture

Looks great, but I can't figure out how to get it to work for people that aren't logged in. I have it added as a block on a page but there's no user input for someone to enter their email address and subscribe unless they're logged in...

Rodzilla624’s picture

Nevermind, I didn't notice that I had to change the permissions page for "subscribe to newsletters" - Thanks!