This page describes how to use Pageroute.


First of all you will need to download and install the Pageroute module.
Pageroute comes with 3 modules:

This is the core module. You will need to activate it.
Pageroute Simpletest
This is a helper module to test the functionality of Pageroute with Simpletest. If you aren't a developer, it is not needed.
Pageroute UI
This modules contains the administration forms for pageroute. You can run pageroute without this module, but you won't be able to add or delete any routes. So you will probably want to activate it too.


All your Pageroutes are listed at '/admin/build/pageroute'. Here you can add, edit, delete and import new routes.

When you add a new route, you will need to enter a path which is not yet used. The path is built up like this:


The unique path of the route. You can link to the first page of a route with just the path (omitting all arguments).
Use it to start the route at a specific page or omit it to start at the beginning (e.g. /route-path//uid/nid).
Will be interpreted as a user id. This effects for example content creation (node add form) and user editing (user edit page). Other page types may utilize this argument too.
Will be interpreted as a node id. This affects the node edit form. The node view can also be configured to display a given node.

You can also choose which tabs to use, or which roles have access to the route. Under advanced settings you also can set, to which page the user should be redirected, after reaching the end of the pageroute.


After saving your pageroute you'll be able to add new pages by clicking 'Add Page'.
On the first form you will have to choose a page type. On the second form you can set various things, like name, title and content type of page type. The setting vary depending on which page type you're using:

Node View
Displays a node. Can be configured to show a node given by the 'nid' argument. If you set it to 0 it will automatically show the node which was passed by the previous page.
Node Add Form
Add content of a configured content type.
Node Edit Form
Edit a node given by the 'nid' argument or show a node add form of a configured content type.
User Edit Page
Edit a user account for the given user id ('uid' argument).


deanflory’s picture

Anybody able to include a few example scenarios for something like setting up a user profile upon initial sign-in that uses content profile and advanced profile kit (account edit at /users/uid/edit), then upon submission takes them to the uprofile edit (at /users/uid/edit/uprofile) and when done takes them back to the home page (/home).

I'm unclear where you set this up to start, so it goes through the pageroute only on the first sign-in. I have profile_setup installed, but does this only do it the first time or am I going to have this happen every time someone goes to the /users/uid/edit page. Or does this have to start at the initial log-in page which is /home?. I'm unclear as to where it all starts and ends and where there are options for "only once" or something.

Any help would be appreciated. If you can use my examples of node locations that would be helpful too! Thanks.