Hi, I'm having some issues when Group Title has and Ampersand.
Suppose the group name is 'gg & gg'
The block details in the group page, shows gg & gg.
When the group is created the confirmation message says
Group gg & gg has been created
When editing the group, the confirmation message says
Group gg & gg has been updated
When using a node reference from another type to a group, the autocomplete widget shows
gg & gg [nid:1036]

I tried removing check_plain function calls in
modules/og_views/og_views.views.inc: "node/$nid" => check_plain($node->title),
modules/og_views/includes/og_views_handler_argument_og_group_nid.inc: $titles[] = check_plain($term->title);
modules/og_views/includes/og_views_plugin_argument_validate_og_group_types.inc:# $this->argument->validated_title = check_plain($node->title);
just to see if something goes better, with no luck.

In function og_determine_context the $object has the Title sanitized, so, later sanitized seems to break the title...
any help?