
Using 4.6, I was able to figure out (with a friend's help), how to get the blogit button to show up beneath each item when a logged-in user with sufficient permissions visits an aggregator category or source page (not just in the aggregator blocks). However, I've just spent 2.5 hrs staring at the aggrator module code for 4.7 and can't figure out how to mod this. Can someone please throw me a PHP bone here? I would appreciate it so much.

BTW, I still don't get why the default setup of this module has the button appear in an aggregator block, but not on an aggregator category or source page. I must be missing something, since it makes absolutely no sense to me what-so-ever (rant over ;-).

BTW, if anyone needs the 4.6 [aggregator.module,v 2005/06/01] solution, let me know.

Thanks again.


carlmcdade’s picture

I am having the same problems with the 4.7 code. I have a list of 12 mods that where simple in 4.6 but are baffling in 4.7. I sent you an email about your 4.6 mods. If I come up with anything on 4.7 then I will let you know.

Hiveminds Magazine
for web publishers and community builders

shayne-1’s picture

I just sent the 4.6 module across via email. [Your magazine looks interesting] Yes, please let me know if you get a 4.7 mod that works.

Does anyone else have a 4.7 solution?

Thanks again.