I just want to send a notification to the author of the node (not all members of that group) when a user posts to a comment to a node . That is all i need og notifications for.

Under Notifications i only checked the box "Thread. Subscribe to all changes and comments for a thread." Seems like i had this working before the last messaging-notifications update.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.


Hunabku’s picture

Clarification for the above post - i want only the author to be notified when a user posts a comment to a node the author created. Also i foresee the need in the future for having admins notified of member join requests so i still need to use og notifications.

The Comment Notify module looks good but may not be compatible with og notifications. So it seems the best way to do this is via actions and triggers. http://www.coalmarch.com/coalmarch-blog/team-blog/thomas-ingham-blog/200...